Sunday 18 March 2012

Writer's Block

I've been working on book two for a while but it's been a bit of a struggle. I know the broad outline of the story and i'd managed to complete chapter one but then it all ground to a halt. Partly that wasn't a problem as i was editing book one and getting it on to Kindle, but there was a real pressure there.

i read this in The Musings of DS Taylor today     

If you don’t spend your days either writing, or thinking about writing, don’t tell me you want to be an author.

 He also said a lot of other useful stuff in this post. If you're a writer yourself, have a read.

For the last few weeks i've spent a lot of time thinking about publishing and marketting and selling book one, but hardly at all about the important stuff. Writing. Last night i spent a long time thinking about how to get the team out of the conundrum i'd put them in. By morning i had an outline for chapters 2, 3 and probably 4.

I suspect that i didn't actually have writers block, i just needed a rest. Now I'm back in the grove. Hurrah!


  1. I know what you mean, Peter. I've found over the last three months, since I got going on the publishing, that social media infests my days. Even when i sit down to write I keep getting drawn to the apps on the phone. I've taken to shutting the bloody thing away!

  2. D.S Taylor needs to take his own advice and get back to writing instead of sitting around sipping coffee and wartching the repeats of the Big Bang Theory!
